Willamette Valley Hop Farm Tour
All, join us on the annual hop farm tour. 9/9/2017. 10AM - stay tuned for more data. Thanks all.

Astoria Area Brewery Tour
October 28th, 10am. We have 12 spots on the van for a tout to 4 of the Astoria area breweries. Reach Break, Astoria Brewing, Buoy, and...
October Club Meeting
October 16th, 7pm at IBU Public House We will be discussing Electrical Brewing - An Introduction. Bring in those people's choice beers....

Ex-Novo Brewery Tour
September 18th at 7pm. Meet us there. Taste their beers, get a tour, hang with your peeps.

August Club Meeting, 28th
All, we are moving the club meeting to avoid any conflicts with the Solar Eclipse. 28th now. August 28th, 7pm at IBU Public House Topic...

Annual Summer Picnic
July 22nd, 2pm, Rob's House Annual Summer Picnic!!!! Potluck format - club will provide the Meat. Bring those homebrews. Will also be an...

July Club Meeting
When - July 17th, 7pm Where - IBU Public House Topics - People's choice and Amoretti Beer tasting and reviews. Hope to see you there!

June Club Meeting
All. Time to join your peers and drink some beer. We will be discussing multiple categories of Belgium beers from the 2015 BJCP styles...

May 2017 Club Meeting
Welcome all. May15th 7pm, is our next club meeting. Bring in those homebrews for people's choice. Royal will be talking about Brewhouse...

April 2017 club Meeting
It is time again all! Hope to see you at IBU Public house for our next club meeting. April 17th, 2017, 7pm. 4439 SW Beaverton Hillsdale...